Explore our transformative services to harmonize your body, mind, and spirit. Discover the power of Reiki, Crystal Healing, and Foot Detoxes to enhance your well-being.


is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by laying hands on or near the body, promoting energy flow and balance.

Reiki helps restore balance and promote healing by harmonizing your body's energy flow. Experience the power of this ancient technique today.

  • Promotes stress reduction
  • Enhances relaxation
  • Supports healing

Crystal Healing

involves placing gemstones on the body to draw out negative energy. This alternative therapy aims to restore balance and promote physical and emotional healing.

Crystal Healing aids in drawing out negative energy and restoring balance, promoting physical and emotional healing. Discover the healing properties of gemstones.

  • Restores balance
  • Promotes healing
  • Draws out negative energy

Foot Detoxes

help rid the body of toxins through the feet. By immersing feet in a saltwater solution with a low-level electrical current, it aids in cleansing and rejuvenating the body.

Foot Detoxes cleanse and rejuvenate the body by eliminating toxins through the feet. Relax and detoxify with this soothing treatment.

  • Cleanses toxins
  • Rejuvenates the body
  • Relaxing treatment

“Dragonfly Bodyworks has truly transformed my life. The services offered are beyond amazing and have helped me find inner peace and balance.”

[John Doe]